The New “Lost Generation”

Keri Tietjen Smith
3 min readSep 24, 2022

Those of us born after the Baby Boomers have gotten a bad rap by our disapproving parents. Gen X, Millenials, and Gen Z. They say we are lazy and unfocused. They refer to us as “late bloomers”. They say we are the new “lost generation,” referring to the generation during the first World War.

And to them I say, “you are right”. We are a generation that is lost, and we have been given nothing to believe in. While other countries have evolved, we have grown up watching our own country regress, as our potential jobs and industries have been sent overseas. Our nation has fallen apart, much like our infrastructure, and I don’t just refer to it’s physical state, but also it’s fiscal state. Our economy is nothing more than a Madoff Ponzi scheme, build upon a house of cards.

The examples set before us by our grandparents and parents alike, were war and materialistic greed. We are the “latch-key” kids, left to raise ourselves as the established the mantra of “all work and no play.” Now we are underpaid, we overspend, and the growing stress of life kills us more rapidly.

Yet no one steps in to stop it.

We are a generation with no religion, only oppression of personal philosophy. Most of us are agnostic or atheist, as family values fell to the wayside; a casualty of our overworked single parents, who were to tired to take us to church, eat family meals together, and feel secure in our homes. As it was more important to “keep up with the Joneses” while we were virtually babysat with our cable tv…



Keri Tietjen Smith

The Future of AI in HR & Talent Acquisition Innovator and Thought-Leader, Travel, Non-Fiction, Featured in NBC, CBS, and writer for multiple publications.